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Showing posts from March, 2015

Salesforce Apex Too many SOQL queries: 101

System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101 Overview This Exception is thrown when our code goes over the 100 SOQL queries  (Select, Insert, Update, Upsert, Delete) in a single apex transaction. That governor limit is shared between all triggers executed. This means it’s a counter of SOQLs quieres per transaction increased differently by each trigger executed. Therefore we can say that the “Too Many SOQL” Exception it’s a “ Shared blame issue ”. Most common causes that I have seen are due to: „ Triggers are not bulkified. Tigger’s Loops. Features are not grouped efficiently.  Since it’s a “ Shared blame issue ” the exception can be thrown at any place. Maybe not in the trigger or class which it’s contributing the most to the counter. Therefore, to fix it we have to narrow down and validate couple of things. 1.   Verify that your triggers are bulkified. A Bulkified Code, means the code was adapted so triggers can support big number of records been m

Salesforce1 Simulator for Google Chrome

Salesforce 1 Simulator for Google Chrome  Salesforce 1 Simulator allows you to view and test drive your SF1 Apps using different devices. Make sure you have Google chrome installed before following the next steps.   And you should have a Salesforce Account with Salesforce 1 access properly configured. Step 1  - Download the Salesforce1 Simulator  : Go to this link and install the simulator Step 2  - Open Salesforce 1 Simulator from Google Chrome apps. Click the Apps icon In the bookmarks bar. If you don't see the Apps icon, right-click the bookmarks bar and click Show Apps Shortcut. Click the Salesforce 1 app to open it. Step 3  - Connect to your org with your credentials. Step 4  - Test your Apps. Once you log in you can access all yo