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Salesforce1 Simulator for Google Chrome

Salesforce 1 Simulator for Google Chrome 

Salesforce 1 Simulator allows you to view and test drive your SF1 Apps using different devices.

Make sure you have Google chrome installed before following the next steps. 

And you should have a Salesforce Account with Salesforce 1 access properly configured.

Step 1  - Download the Salesforce1 Simulator :

Go to this link and install the simulator

Step 2  - Open Salesforce 1 Simulator from Google Chrome apps.

  • Click the Apps icon In the bookmarks bar. If you don't see the Apps icon, right-click the bookmarks bar and click Show Apps Shortcut.

  • Click the Salesforce 1 app to open it.

  • Step 3  - Connect to your org with your credentials.

    Step 4  - Test your Apps.

    Once you log in you can access all your SF1 mobile apps right from your browser.

    If you have a touch monitor in your PC you will be able to test the touch events like swipe from to left in a list view.

    Use the button on the center to switch devices.

    Table view:


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